By creating a vision board that displays your goals, dreams and life vision, and placing it in a space where you see it often, no matter what happens during your day, your vision board is a positive reminder of where you intend to be. Appealing to you on both conscious and subconscious levels, a vision board is a super cool way to keep you motivated, focused on your goals, and headed in the direction you have chosen.
Creating Your Vision Board Q&A
What should I place on my Vision Board? Anything that inspires and motivates you! Think about and make a list of what your goals are in the following areas- relationships, career, finances, travel, personal growth and health. Ask yourself, what does my ideal life look like? You can use your vision board for goals and dreams in all areas of your life, or in just one specific area that you want to focus on.
I have my list, now what? Once you have your list, go ahead and start looking through magazines or even surf the internet for inspiring images and or empowering words that reflect your goals and collect them. Once you think you are set with these images, it’s time to assemble your board.
Does size matter? The size of your vision board does not matter. I have seen and even made boards as small as notebook paper and as large as a wall size banner. The choice is yours! You may use poster board, foam board (my favorite), cork board, side of a barn, whatever! Once you decide on your board, assemble your images. Make sure your board looks and feels right to you before gluing your images down.
My board looks and feels great, now what? Now it’s time to find a place for your vision board where you will see it every day. (They don’t really work stuffed away in the basement) By seeing your board every day, you will be reinforcing your goals, direction and motivation while helping to keep you focused, even during challenges, bringing you closer to your dreams and your ideal life!
Need help with your vision board? Contact me today for a schedule of my upcoming Vision Board Workshops or to schedule one near you today! [email protected]